Напорные трубопроводы играют жизненно важную роль в транспортировке газов и жидкостей под давлением, Но их конструкция и эксплуатация сопряжены с уникальными сложностями. В этом руководстве рассматриваются ключевые особенности напорных трубопроводов, Профилактические меры для безопасности, и передовые методы выбора материалов.
Особенности напорных трубопроводов
Не каждый трубопровод можно квалифицировать как трубопровод под давлением. Чтобы соответствовать определению, Он должен удовлетворять этим двум критериям:
- Давление ≥ 0.1 Мпа (Манометрическое давление)
- Диаметр трубопровода (ДН) ≥ 25 миллиметр
Ключевые характеристики:
- Системный характер: Напорный трубопровод функционирует как единая система, где даже незначительные проблемы могут нарушить всю настройку.
- Высокое отношение длины к диаметру: Благодаря стройному телосложению, Напорные трубопроводы подвержены проблемам с устойчивостью и испытывают сложные сценарии напряжения по сравнению с сосудами под давлением.
- Динамический поток и напряжение: Fluid flow conditions are often turbulent, with limited buffer space and frequent changes due to temperature, pressure, wind, snow, earthquakes, and other factors.
- Material Complexity: A wide variety of pipeline components, supports, and materials, each with unique technical requirements, adds to the complexity of selection and management.
- Multiple Leakage Points: Pipelines inherently have more leakage points, such as valves, compared to pressure vessels. A single valve can have up to five potential leakage points.
- Intricate Lifecycle: The design, производственный, установка, inspection, and management of pressure pipelines involve more steps and complexity than pressure vessels.
Safety Measures for Pressure Pipelines
Installation of Safety Valves:
Safety valves are crucial for preventing overpressure incidents. They should be installed in the following scenarios:
- Positive Displacement Pumps: At the outlets of electric reciprocating pumps, gear pumps, и так далее. Vent pipes must connect to the pump inlet pipeline, and emergency stop interlock devices should be installed unless the pump already has a safety valve.
- Flammable Gas Compressors: At the outlet of each stage in reciprocating compressors, safety valves must vent to the inlet pipelines of the same or previous stages.
- Pipelines with Heat-Expanding Flammable Gases or Liquids: Safety valves prevent overpressure due to thermal expansion.
- Liquefied Hydrocarbon Pipelines: Pipelines prone to pressure increases from both ends being closed must have safety valves or equivalent safety measures.
- Blower or Pump Outlets: Safety valves are essential when connected equipment cannot withstand the maximum outlet pressure.
Static Electricity Grounding for Pipelines
For pipelines carrying flammable or explosive gases and liquids, static electricity is a significant safety concern. Key practices include:
- Preventing Static Failures: Flammable materials flowing through pipelines generate static electricity, which can lead to static discharge disasters.
- Grounding Metal Parts: Non-conductive pipe sections and metal joints must be grounded to dissipate static electricity effectively.
- Ensuring Safety in High-Risk Environments: High-temperature, high-pressure, toxic, or flammable systems must be grounded to maintain safe production conditions.
Correct Material Selection
Selecting the right materials is essential for the safe and efficient operation of pressure pipelines. Follow these best practices:
- Defect-Free Materials: Conduct non-destructive testing on materials, especially castings and forgings. Materials with defects must not be used.
- Hydrostatic Testing: After installation, perform a water pressure test at 1.5 times the working pressure to ensure structural integrity.
- Material Suitability: Choose materials and pipe forms based on specific process conditions. Never substitute or misuse materials.
- Weld Quality Assurance: Perform thorough visual and non-destructive inspections of welds to ensure their quality and compliance with standards.
Напорные трубопроводы, while essential for transporting fluids under pressure, require meticulous attention to their design, safety measures, and material selection. By implementing proper preventive measures such as safety valves, grounding, and rigorous material testing, you can ensure the reliability and safety of these critical systems.