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23 years of experience in this business.

Zhongtong a obținut diverse certificări, inclusiv certificarea națională a întreprinderilor de înaltă tehnologie, Certificare de servicii post-vânzare de cinci stele, Certificarea sistemului de management al calității, și certificarea sistemului de management de mediu. Compania se mândrește cu o clientelă diversă, după ce a slujit peste 2,680 întreprinderi mari, inclusiv instituții de prestigiu precum Universitatea de Știință și Tehnologie din Nanjing, Universitatea Zhejiang, organisme guvernamentale, cum ar fi Taicang Water Affairs Bureau, facilități proeminente precum Gara de mare viteză Changzhou, și companii bine-cunoscute, cum ar fi Nongfu Spring, Grupul Country Garden, și linia de metrou Nanjing 4.

Bine ați venit la Zhongtong Pipe Co. Ltd, o întreprindere lider specializată în fabricarea și distribuția de țevi de înaltă calitate. Established in 2002, we have positioned ourselves as a reliable and innovative solution provider in the piping industry.

Key Highlights:

Location: Our headquarters are strategically located in Jiangyin, Wuxi, Jiangsu, an industrial hub known for its innovation and economic significance.

Expertise: With years of experience, Zhongtong Pipe Co. Ltd is dedicated to producing a wide range of pipes, catering to diverse applications and industries.

Certifications: Committed to excellence, we hold various certifications, ensuring the highest standards in our products. This includes ISO9001, ISO1400, CE and so on.

Clientele: Zhongtong Pipe Co. Ltd takes pride in serving a broad spectrum of clients, from local businesses to international corporations.

Product Range:
Gama noastră extinsă de produse include țevi HDPE, Teava din PVC, Dish Cage and so on, designed to meet the stringent requirements of modern construction, infrastructure, and industrial projects.

Quality Assurance:
At Zhongtong Pipe Co. Ltd, quality is our top priority. Our products undergo rigorous testing and adhere to international standards, ensuring durability, reliability, and environmental sustainability.

Contact Information:
Company Name: Zhongtong Pipe Co. Ltd
Location: Jiangyin, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China
Phone/Whatsapp: +8618337130400

Explore the world of reliable piping solutions with Zhongtong Pipe Co. Ltd. Your trusted partner in quality and innovation.






Drawing from the rich legacy and forward-thinking ethos of Jiangsu Zhongtong Pipe Industry Co., Ltd, our team is a dynamic and skilled assembly of professionals dedicated to upholding the highest standards in the industry. Comprised of experienced engineers, innovative designers, dedicated manufacturing specialists, and an adept administrative staff, our team is the driving force behind our trailblazing success.

United by a shared commitment to excellence, our team members bring a diverse range of expertise to the table. From pioneering new plumbing solutions to navigating complex industry challenges, each member plays a crucial role in delivering the quality and innovation that Jiangsu Zhongtong Pipe Industry is renowned for. Our engineers and designers are at the forefront of technological advancements, ensuring that every product we create meets the evolving needs of the construction, mining, chemical, agriculture, farming, and aquaculture industries.

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