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Tubo corrugato a spirale rinforzato con cintura in acciaio HDPE


Tubo corrugato a spirale rinforzato con cintura in acciaio HDPE

Tubo corrugato a spirale rinforzato con cintura in acciaio HDPE

● Caratteristiche strutturali:


Similar to double-wall corrugated pipe, the outer layer is also a corrugated structure, but the corrugation is lined with aU”-shaped steel belt, and the steel belt is coated with HDPE material to form a composite structure.

● Vantaggi in termini di prestazioni:


  1. Common caliber range is DN300mm to DN2400mm;
  2. Ring stiffness is mainly SN8, SN10, and SN12.5, e la profondità di sepoltura è principalmente entro 5 Metri;
  3. Steel belt is reinforced, with strong compressive performance, and can maintain structural stability under large external pressure;
  4. HDPE wrapped steel belt is corrosion-resistant and resistant to chemical erosion.

● Metodo di connessione:


heat shrink sleeve connection or electric hot melt tape connection

● Scenari applicativi:


Mainly used for deep buried, large-caliber, high-load municipal and industrial sewage and drainage projects, rainwater collection, tunnel and underground engineering drainage, and so on.



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