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Existe-t-il d’autres classifications pour les tuyaux en PE ??

Polyéthylène (PE) pipe is a commonly used plastic pipe. Selon la densité, Il peut être divisé en tuyau en polyéthylène basse densité (Tuyau en PEBD), Tuyau en polyéthylène de densité moyenne (Tuyau en MDPE) and high-density polyethylene pipe (Tuyau en PEHD). Although they are all polyethylene plastics, there are obvious differences in performance, scope of application and price.

First of all, Tuyau en PEHD is the abbreviation of high-density polyethylene pipe, which has high molecular weight and good wear resistance. Compared with ordinary PE pipe, HDPE pipe is 9 times stronger, so it is very suitable for the production of pressure pipes. HDPE pipes are widely used in municipal engineering water supply systems, indoor water supply systems of buildings, and outdoor buried water supply systems.

Secondly, Tuyau en MDPE refers to medium-density polyethylene pipe, which is mainly used for conveying gaseous artificial coal gas, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas and other fields. MDPE pipe shows good performance and reliability in the transportation of these gases.

Finally, Tuyau en PEBD is the abbreviation of low-density polyethylene pipe, which is widely used in plastic films, daily sundries and other fields. Due to its low density characteristics, LDPE pipe has good flexibility and ductility, and has important application value in these fields.



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