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Herkunftsort China
Modellnummer PVC066
Plastic Modling Type Extruding
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PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) square pipe is a type of plastic pipe that is characterized by its square-shaped cross-section. PVC is a popular material for pipes due to its robustness, lightweight nature, and versatility.



PVC Square Pipe Key Features:




Material Properties: PVC is known for its strength, Haltbarkeit, and resistance to corrosion and chemicals, making it a long-lasting option for various applications.

Lightweight: PVC square pipes are light, which makes them easy to transport and handle during installation.

Low Maintenance: These pipes require minimal maintenance as they do not rust, corrode, or degrade over time like some metal pipes.

Easy to Work With: PVC can be easily cut, shaped, and joined, allowing for quick and straightforward installation.

Cost-Effective: Compared to other materials like copper or stainless steel, PVC is generally more affordable, making it a cost-effective solution for many projects.

Insulation Properties: PVC has good insulation properties, both thermal and electrical, which can be beneficial in certain applications.






PVC Square Pipe Applications:



Building and Construction: Used in structures for framing, rails, and supports due to its strength and rigidity.

Interior Design and Furniture: Often used in modern interior design for constructing lightweight furniture, shelving, and decorative elements.

Greenhouse Structures: Employed in building frameworks for greenhouses, as it is resistant to moisture and can withstand varying temperatures.

Crafts and DIY Projects: Popular in DIY projects due to its ease of use and the flexibility it offers in terms of design and customization.

Cable Management and Protection: Utilized in protecting and managing electrical cables in residential and commercial buildings.

Industrielle Anwendungen: In certain industrial settings, PVC square pipes are used for framing, supports, and conduit systems.


PVC Square Pipe Considerations for Use:

  • UV Sensitivity: PVC can be sensitive to UV light, which can lead to degradation over time if not treated or protected.
  • Temperature Range: PVC has a limited temperature range and can become brittle in cold temperatures or soften in high heat.
  • Chemical Compatibility: While PVC is resistant to many chemicals, it is not suitable for use with certain solvents and acids.
  • Load-Bearing Capacity: For structural applications, it’s important to consider the load-bearing capacity of PVC and whether it is suitable for the intended use.

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    Verpackungsdetails: Unsere PVC-Rohre und -Formteile werden sicher in Behältern oder nach Kundenwunsch verpackt, Damit sie in einwandfreiem Zustand bei Ihnen ankommen. Wir verwenden robuste Materialien für die Verpackung, um die Armaturen während des Transports zu schützen, Geeignet für verschiedene Größen und Mengen.

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